Published articles on the Black United Fund of NY
America's hypocrisy on Black self-help by Kermit Eady
Why Won't Governor Paterson respect Black self-help by Kermit Eady
Barron requests Eady meeting with Governor By Vinette K. Pryce
The fall of Spitzer and the Rise of Community by Kermit Eady & Larry Barton
Why Did Spitzer Destroy BUFNY? By Donald Winkfield (Published in the Black Star News)
Rescuing the Black United Fund
Spitzer destroyed the Black United Fund of NY
Spitzer is unfit for leadership by Kermit Eady
Black Economic Power from the NY Daily Challenge
Eady's Next Movement from the Amsterdam News
Spitzer Says, Jump! Harlem Politicians Say, How High by Kermit Eady
BUFNY: An Institution Out in Front and Right on Time (Published in the Black Star News)
"We Must Connect the Dots" By Kermit Eady (Published in the Black Star News)
"The Death of our Radio Station" By Kermit Eady (Published in the Black Star News)
"How quickly Paterson Forgets" (Published in the Black Star News)
"Doing & Thinking Economics" (Published in the Black Star News)